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What a brilliant movie this was, it had everything, action, comedy, the storyline ( a little predictable), and Priyanka...wow! 8.5 / 10 for me! 

GD: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qmxSZu17yVonH-_YjkkIPBpSIQpcg5L3/view?usp=sharing

DROPBOX: https://www.dropbox.com/s/cvy5h51csu2d1ro/DON%20%5BFull%20Movie%20Reaction%5D.mp4?dl=0




Magic Shop 2

omg the shock!!! I did not see that coming at all I feel so bad for Vijay he was very kind. I don't like Don at all (in the context of the movie not as a character) I mean he is definitely a good villain, killing good people left and right.

Magic Shop 2

And also love seeing Arjun Rampal in a movie, he's phenomenal.