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GD: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iZ45zaJBmIi7pCJyhptEGNAfZB_CE9qs/view?usp=sharing

DROPBOX: https://www.dropbox.com/s/n9p7f30de0qz2vw/Dreamcatcher%20-%20SUMMER%20HOLIDAY%20%5BFull%20Album%20Reaction%5D.mp4?dl=0




fabrice maire

no MUSA i'am not angry XD i love life like YOU but it's is what it's is you forget . but i'don't blame you you react on many fire think ilove attack on the titans . monsta x , GOBLIN etc . it's for you because as an insomnia yourself i can't wait to see you're reaction on this album.

fabrice maire

to me WISTLE is the best song of the album and for the first time i can said than i don't like one dreamcatcher song airplane i don't know what they try to do with that song . exept airplane good album because and wistle it me hard .

fabrice maire

to finish we can see than they try something else . of course they can sing everything , rock ,metal , pop , hip hop , ballad , edm . but now we know for sure than they master the ROCK or EDM style even pop song are great but the summer concept don't really suit them . good album but not they're best .


no harm in trying right, but yeah, like you said they are made for the rock style indeed.


airplane was a little all over the place with the beats, but yeah, decent album, but not their best.