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DROPBOX: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/bso1o518fyq456qec4vum/Word-of-Honor-EP18.mp4?rlkey=fr2vgolrbxm6vagepnnw8v0um&st=d4kgvg9u&dl=0



Word of Honor EP18.mp4

Shared with Dropbox



ahh we’re back 💯 i should start commenting more on the drama reactions instead of lurking. I tend to comment more on the music but i’m always tuned in for the dramas and animes too. Also I just wanted to say you’re so consistent and work so hard to post such diverse content, not only on patreon but your youtube channels from MVs, to variety, to art work, to the live streams. As someone who’s been watching you for a couple years and knows how consistent you’ve been on a daily basis, i hope you’re taking care of your health as well as you take care of work. I want to say thank you because since i started university, i’ve been tuning in to your videos whenever i need to destress and it’s definitely not easy to be doing all this.


I appreciate the comment so much, thank you, really! I don't play around with my health, priority number 1 for me, I'm just a workaholic I guess haha. but I won't be forcing anything. Again thank you for asking about my health :D


Yay! Glad to be back with WOH. I missed your reactions to this show.