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DROPBOX: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ntlxxjhu6tdpmnw8ioee1/Word-of-Honor-EP17.mp4?rlkey=gnr8dli8loohf4izr4nunui5y&dl=0



Word of Honor EP17.mp4

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"Weak for him" is exactly right. And that's how they are to each other. Great reaction as always! Also, the rivalry between Ye Bai Yi and Wen Kexing is HILARIOUS. They just NEVER let it rest. Always bickering.

Leah Kim

The irony and oxymoron are real in this drama, A 'Xu wants Wen Kexing to open up his hearts, not knowing the terrible truth of who he is, Wen kexing wants A 'Xu to live, knowing that he will soon die. They both want something they can't get easily. That second brother is really a hidden character, the farce he has done for more than 20yrs and the game he is playing.... there's soo many teams here battling for the same thing.