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Hi gang. An unfortunate amount of my January has been dealing with insurance, but I've been trying to get artwork done during my comic break. Part of that was prepping the colored edition of Airsled for the print tech, including some new bonus material (pictured here, one of the worldbuilding pages). It's in the print tech's hands now so I'm hoping to release the preorder in a February shop update. Part of the shop update will be new sticker designs that you guys voted for, and some I chose as dictator (also pictured here). Also in this photodump are the finished portraits of Chkbrr and Rzzt-tt, finally, and some other random updated website graphics. Which includes Talita's character portrait and also avian sex and reproduction (nsfw link).

There will be more ink doodles later this month, and official comic work starts again on February 1st. For me, that is. Expect comic updates slightly after that.




I was about to ask "how many children do avians intend to have?!" before I read the details below, that is a LOT of eggs.

Jay Eaton

Yeah, despite the resemblance to frog spawn, most of them are essentially glorified polar bodies or yolk material!


I am constantly in awe at your world building. This feels like such a real place!