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Bip has a lot to grieve.

And Chapter 3 is done. I'll be taking a break from RttS pages to catch up with other art for the next month or so. After that, it's all new pages that I haven't shared roughs of to Patreon before.




Ah yes the horrors of space travel, decompression incidents, and broken halls, it likely happened so quick that attempting to make it to the emergency boat was practically impossible I love it, it's been such a delight to see this comic come to fruition especially after watching you so long and seeing all the growth with the designs and characters and the world I know the previous owners of the runaway are important but not like super duper important (not to mention you taking a break!) But have you any ideas or concepts for the previous occupants~ Happy new year can't wait to see what you make!

Shawn McCormick

Oof, what a gut punch 😭😭😭. I don't know if there are significant differences in how AI react, at least in the short term, to catastrophic trauma and loss, to other sentient social beings, but even knowing the statistics associated with the damage, I can imagine Bip holding on to the smallest thread of hope, in the absence of knowing. Also, the composition of these three panels is briliant. it's such a lovely use of a double page spread, and so quietly striking, for Talita to have the realization of what Bip is really asking, while we see the vastness of space reveal itself behind her, both as the wonderous, unending potential she has an opportunity to run toward, and the vast, cold danger she has been reminded that it can be. Not to mention all the conflicting feelings she is likely feeling about seeing the vibrant remnants of a culture she herself originated from, but has little actual connection to, either materially or emotionally. There is so much going on in the dilation of pupils and a simple lift of the head. Well done, Jay!