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I spent most of the last week troubleshooting Blender and CSP 3D import problems... and I'm very tired..... it's great to have rough model of the inside of the recycling plant though because I wasn't super happy with how floaty the backgrounds were in the Chp. 1 scenes in the plant. Resisting the urge to go back and "fix" things. The eternal webcomics problem. I'll definitely do a sweep after all the pages are finished to fix obvious inconsistencies, but for now it's more important to keep swimming forward.




Talitas glasses make her look like the world's largest nerd.


i think one of my favorite parts of this comic is the way you dont shy away from the lack of physical accommodations. I've said it a thousand times before and ill say it a thousand more, its so fascinating how you've highlighted structural ableism in this way - things aren't built for Talita's size, GMH people are forgotten in human buildings. As someone disabled in different ways, it's so cool to see the different ways someone has to work around being excluded, and the ways the people who love them try to incorporate them instead, like Talita and Gillie figuring out how to sign with less than ten fingers a hand. I just love the care you put into how they live in a world not built with them in mind. :3