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Wowee, got through 50 pages. Now I just need to do that 5 more times.




Wait, Lets plays are getting awards in this future? This is a dystopia, of horrid proportions!


Congrts on the progress! Also Idrisah's face in that last panel is precious.

Cat Brooks

Awww I'm sad the documentary description was just Lorem ipsum lol


Flooded Coasts: in the wake of the mass methane emissions caused by the Third Interlaken War, hundreds of millions of people in the former United States alone were turned into refugees. In this thrilling hour-and-a-half long documentary, we follow communities of migrants from New Orleans, Miami, and New York as they adjust to their new lifes in the slums of Greater Atlanta. (Tiiliit captioning provided by Isiisivuuk & Co.)


~im sorry I'm an unironic history major and my brain had to fill something in~

Jay Eaton

I hate writing copy/description text and it will print illegibly small in the book, so 😭


Lorem Ipsum, lol!! Also Talia monch, so cute

Erika Spooner

All the stuff on the news could have been avoided if they made superhumans to help solve all the problems instead of making furries.


Excited Gillie in panel 2 is super cute


50 pages already!! That’s amazing 😄🎉 Wonderful work thus far and excited for what’s coming! (I miss The Little Guy! The Bip!)


The 'I love you, but please do not make me suffer that thing you like' is a MOOD.