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Pinkie and Brownie are the two ferrets in the Runaway crew (those are nicknames, their real names are a series of movements) and sort of odd ducks as far as ferrets go. 

Pinkie is antisocial by ferret standards, ie, tolerates being alone and can get overwhelmed in large social junctions were everyone talks at once in three different forms of language.  They were an electrician with a history of failed 'marriages' into big ferret families, and joined the Runaway gang feeling lost and alone among their own species.

Brownie was found by the crew alone in a wrecked ship, and suffers from PTSD and extreme emotional dependancy (even by ferret standards). They stuck to Pinkie like glue the moment they got on the Runaway. It's a perfect level of interaction for Pinkie, and Brownie has the benefits of constant interaction without the trauma flashbacks they  sometimes get in large groups  of ferrets.

Ferrets tend to treat mental illness and such with confusion at best, so Pinkie and Brownie have a unique bond of comradery from having been rejects and left behind for most of their lives.




I am love this tiny bug ferret family SO MUCH, I cannot begin to tell you