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Good morning, Shikaviil Port!

After some internal debate I made Idrisah's hair a tight wavy texture. I had been wanting to change it from stick-straight for a while but had been worried it would be too similar to Gillie's (which is silly in retrospect). I guess the pictures I've drawn of her are retroactively with her hair ironed straight.




I love Talita's and Gillie's contact photos in Mel's phone, great detail


god i love sleepy talita…she looks like a wet kiwi bird. the snuggliest ever


You captured so many morning feelings

Jay Eaton

Idrisah: Professional photo Gillie: Weird selfie from her social media Talita: Mel took her photo (she did not want her photo taken)


Mouse :)


I guess skimmer avians don't have last names? What happens when two have the same name?

Jay Eaton

Their weird mating system where brights are completely uninvolved in childrearing means that the full name usually goes like, e.g., "Sirawit, dunchild of Huhjho" It's sort of the "DadNameSon" system, except the family name is much more socially devalued and infrequently used in professional settings. Personal name duplicates in the same social circles usually get unique nicknames.


one of the water treatment(?) towers... seems to be topped with a mouse. has it always been like that?


Makes sense. I assume its non canonical then, but the idea of there being a giant mouse tower that goes completely unacknowledged is very funny to me

Erika Spooner

I wonder if there were ever failures of dome habitats like the one on Dirtball. What if a ship crashed into it one day and tore a massive hole?


talita bedhead <3 <3


How fast do the avians’ beakteeth grow? Is that kind of filing a daily thing for them?


Avians sleeping are so cute <3


Talita eepy 🥺