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This one is a little late. It is mystery why. Unrelated, here is a Blender model I made of Shikaviil Port:




What a gorgeous panel wow


Sometimes I forget the avians the cast interact with can fly and like... can you even imagine living in the same neighborhood as flying sophonts? A world of wonders, surely


Little tiny Talita my beloved. Does the bike lane imply the existence of alien bicycles???


I’m not Jay but I know the answer! https://www.tumblr.com/jayrockin/652863238845956096/i-was-looking-through-your-centaurs-tag-and-i-saw


Loving the dual-species signage everywhere! Great attention to detail


Also the blatant disregard the ferrets show for said signage


The best part is, now you'll have a reference to use in the future. Its basically investing your time for later profits. That's the excuse I use when I get distracted by nonsense while working on things, anyways


absolutely stunning page. love the little detail of trees in the back being pushed by the dome roof. also bittersweet seeing cal on his way out again


Suddenly jealous of Talita--I work adjacent to manufacturing; airports and industrial hanger spaces take FOREVER to get around. Big Long Legs would be so handy.


what a great scene, from the great aerial view displaying so many of the buildings and operations of the station to the details of two species road signs, there are many things to love about this page

Jay Eaton

And the people who can fly view it with the same blase attitude we do cardio exercise or jogging, lol


The model looks great.


I love how both avian and human flora are visible here. In the back, are they partitioned into different zones so both humans and avians have some sort of familiar natural-ish space? Are they just planted by facilities (eg. apartments) for humans/avians respectively?

Jay Eaton

Both the park space behind the apartments and the agricultural units have their own staff (also mostly temps, also stretched thin and understaffed). They're in different zones and water filtration loops, just like the apartment blocks.

Erika Spooner

Was there ever any big resistance to the extreme modifications made to people that had nothing to do with enhancement.

David Helmer

Do Avians have a bicycle equivalent? Because I notice that chicken foot shaped mark on the bike lane.


I think, based on comparing previous human and avian signage inside the building, that that symbol is just the avian equivalent of the human directional arrows