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Here's some comics I'll be selling at Furcon 2023 (very soon, 1/13-1/15) and online (slightly less soon). They're mostly spiffed up versions of webcomics I've published online. 

Since Patreon support is what allowed me to make these, you lot get the pdfs for free, and whenever Growth Chart physical copies get listed in the store patrons will get a 50% discount (nearly at cost). I'm not sure yet If I'll be selling physical copies of the AMAs online. The current round I printed at home, and while they look great, the process was Too Slow. So I'd prefer to order them from a printer, but that's a whole other can of worms I'm not getting into until I've gauged how much people even want them.

RttS Short Stories: Growth Chart 

RttS AMA Book 1 

RttS AMA Book 2 

I'll be adding these to the pinned pdf post too, when I get a chance. Enjoy!



Furcon is over and i'm rubbing my greedy paws together waiting for you to list left over stock >:) I ADORE how you combined the Talita age chart with the comics.


these are lovely, but i think you linked the first AMA book twice!


growth chart is wonderful :D i'll be keeping an eye out for those physical copies!


Book 2's link goes too book 1 :c


Your comics and world are just something very special, I can’t get enough! Thank you for sharing it all with us!


Loooove Growth Chart, definitely gonna snag one when it goes online!


Oh so exciting!! Please please please let us know when the books are up for sale online, I’d love to buy prints!


Btw I’d happily buy the ama books as well if you sell them


Finally got a chance to sit and read over these! I loved and lingered over every page, even though I've already seen all of them, they're all just so charming I love them! The Characters, the world, the humor! I just adore it (*/ω\*)