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My fixation on hexapod gaits continues. I liked the Bipod-B animation (second gif) a lot, but it didn't feel nearly fast enough for the top speed I was proposing for centaurs. Part of the issue is why it has that name. The legs in the gait act in pairs, with two feet generally on the ground at any given point in the cycle. Most of the fastest runs in the animal kingdom have single point contact, where one one foot is on the ground at a time. Which is certainly more complicated with six legs, but I gave it a shot here. 

I did some rough math for the animation in the first gif and she is traveling approximately 1.4 meters per frame at 24 fps (though I haven't drawn every frame yet), and thus 33.33 meters per second, thus 120 kph, thus 74.6 mph. She could get ticketed for speeding on the highway around here.

I'm pretty happy with the sketch and I think when I have more time I'll be trying to tweak it to eliminate some of the limb stretch and squash (a fine animation technique, but not desirable for what I want) and add detail. I'm calling it a rolling sprint because of how it appears to roll down the length of the body as the legs hit the ground in succession. 




A bit late to this, but maybe a decent strategy for getting the sprint even faster is to introduce some leaping motions. I can imagine that with such long legs centaurs are capable of taking off with tremendous force, kinda like hares or springbok.


not bad. what's going on here feels sort of like if the tail and the hip structure were combined, and the tail was provided some of that forward motion. I believe with theropod dinosaurs, their tails held a lot of muscle that stored up energy for runs. The first animation also has a feel of being perhaps more energy efficient than the second one, given that the movement helps both her breathing and there's less chance of the legs getting in each others' way. Getting up to that speed could take an enormous amount of energy, but perhaps when reached they can glide along at a clip for a bit longer than you'd expect. Kind of like how kangaroos when hopping are more efficeint movers than when walking.


I love this. Imagining her running past at full speed is making my little mammal brain quake 😂 but that’s seriously so cool!! I absolutely adore all the work you put into making everything feel real, this included!


The part where Talita tells Shyam that she'll have to tell her parent she's dating a gigantic predator/carnivore but instead Shyam tells her family that her new girlfriend can run 74 mph >:)