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"Jay," you say, "you've been doing Inktober and posting art to social media every day. Surely you don't have many extra sketches to share this month."

"Well you see," I reply, "I'm actually in an elaborate Saw trap where if I stop drawing for more than an hour I die"

These are not in chronological order, and I included comic planning pages because I figured some of you might find that interesting. It also includes September drawings I forgot to scan.




Seeing a centaur with a very earth-y gun is surprisingly jarring for whatever reason

Jay Eaton

Fun fact, that rifle is 2 meters long. I need to fiddle with the design more before finishing the drawing, lest I attract the ire of gun pendants


Talita doing her makeup and feeling prewIS SO CUTE!!!!!


who is the lad in the first image with a GUN?

Jay Eaton

Just a shepard. The gun is for deterring wild animals who like to eat "sheep."

Jay Eaton

Domestic. Centaurs make relatively complex manual firearms, they're especially common on the continent the Shess occupy.


AWAWAHWAH the group smooch!!! i hope talita knows how loved she is!! also, i love seeing sketches of how centaurs move. there’s something so satisfying about seeing/imagining how they would look moving around, stretching out and curling up - they feel so real, like i could see one walking down the street and it would make total sense. maybe one day we’ll get a rtts animated feature and we can see our girl in action :)


I love Talita so much!!!


What’s going on with the censored text on the second image?

Jay Eaton

Lol I did that trio of images after I drew a part of the book where Talita is going through it, and afterwards I was like 'I need to draw nice things happening to her immediately'


Everyone can kiss your face when you've got a giant head!


I stared at the blue page with happy talita and everyone smooching her face so long that my phone screen turned off 🥺


I LOVE the picture of the shepard. it feels exactly right for a radio age civilization. also, I love their boots! and the baby they're holding... it just feels so right. I wonder who's taking the picture.


I always love seeing your ink stuff! I think my favorite to look at is the fourth image, those colors are just so tasty. :D


i LOVE the drawings with pink in them, feels very alive and sweet