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I was hoping to have more of this comic done before I posted the WIP, but I've been too busy with book comics/story writing. I decided I wanted to color this strip so I'll probably post a WIP of that later this month (hopefully).

Also, it turns out the onion chemical weapon can dissolve in oil as well as water. It's either Talita's thick eye cuticle or alien biochemistry that's saving her here.




i love the little detail you introduced before that talita pulls her lower lip when shes focusing! its very cute


i was just about to point that out! i love little details like that, they really make the characters feel real :)


Very cool! We got another microgravity comic! Also I see Sirawit uses he/him pronouns, is that standard for avian duns?


I love how onions are just an earth thing and there aren't any alien equivalents


I don't know about avians, but birds here on earth can't taste capsaicin. Maybe it's just them?

Simone Spinozzi

if what Talita said is true... she is going to be getting onion pains only several hour later and it will lasting for days 😅


Wondering about this as well! As far as I know it's not standard but maybe Sirawit chose some English (Jovian?) pronouns he prefers?


How is Talita laying down if there's no gravity to keep her there?


was gonna ask who keeps scissors in their kitchen but then i remembered i have scissors in my kitchen

Jay Eaton

They're honestly fantastic for cutting chives and green onions. (Or just packaging)


Does this mean Talita doesn't blink much?


Oof Sirawit has 3 times the eyes to suffer.

Jay Eaton

Not as much as a human, no. Particularly if she's focused on something.


Microgravity wrist grater. Nice.


Huh, always wondered how cooking would work in microgravity


Also this is exactly why I have a pair of swim goggles in my kitchen utensil drawer


dont know where but i think i remember Jay saying that Sirawit goes by he/they


sirawit is an adorable baby as always, but talita nibbles on her bottom lip with her trunk when she's (presumably) working? that's such a cute little detail. i was also kinda wondering if centaur trunks are as nimble as an elephants? they're musculular and complex enough to speak and make "lippy" sounds but i'm wondering if they can pick up and use tools with their trunk-lips. or would it just be similar to a human holding something in their mouth?