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It's about time I animated more avians. And also, a regular human walk cycle. I have to figure out what's going  on with their limbs before I drape fabric all over them, though.

Turii walks like an angry little dog.




I WAS HOPING FOR MORE TURII CONTENT i recently caught a random shiny starly in pokemon legends arceus and i named it turii because the blue on shiny staraptor's crest reminded me of the vibrant blues of turii's design :] i just like the dickhead frat bird idk why I Just Think They're Neat


Turii's little feetsies!!! 😭😭😭


Wow! Sirawat really is BIG! I know you've said they have gigantism, but the only time I've seen them next to another character was Talita, so I didn't realize how big Sirawat is! Do they have any health issues being so large for an Avian?


Sirawit our gigantic beloved! They’re much bigger than I had imagined. I love how Sirawit can look humans in the eye. I could see Sirawit and Talita sharing “I’m bigger than everyone else around me” war stories.


Sirawit is so big, they're taller than me!


oh they schmoovin

Simone Spinozzi

❤️ oooh! neat! i was hoping for something like this ever since i read that comic you wrote.

Pavel Lishin

Oh wow, Avians look like they have a lot more joints in their leg...wings? than we do.


I love the avians so much and seeing how their anatomy works in motion is so satisfying!


Ooooh now I’m curious to see how the ferrets walk


... the music from that cat parade video is playing in my head now watching the animation of all five of them

Jay Eaton

Sirawit's bigness is caused by an endocrine issue, so they also have some problems similar to thyroid disorders in humans.


So neat! Now that I think about it, I’m intrigued that Sirawit is still digitrade at that height. Does it come down to weight? Also I love how Talita moves! I wonder how many centaur home-planet prey-animal nightmares feature centaurs just….walking at them. I forget, are they pursuit predators like humans, or ambush predators like cheetahs?

Jay Eaton

Sirawit is digitigrade at their height because avian foot structure can't be walked on plantigrade. Although Sirawit is very light for their size, they probably have some foot and joint pain issues. Centaur ancestors were ambush pack predators comparable to cheetahs or lions.


im not jay so take my response with a grain of salt, but if i remember correctly theyre ambush! pretty sure i remember that from the post about pre-sapience centaurs, and also talita once commented to idrisah about how she found human running endurance impressive