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I decided to update the matriarch character with a broken skull and include her in the book I'm writing right now. Verengt is a Nightchaser nomad with a relatively small clan that has been searching for employment off-planet. 

Centaur litter genetics work kind of like house cats', where individuals in a single batch may each have a different sire. Verengt's entourage has two other Nightchasers and one Shta fellow, and it's pretty obvious who in a litter the latter is responsible for.




I guess with the brain in the torso the injury to the head is less critical, still from a human perspective it's a horrific wound. If they are looking for work off planet do Humans treat her as if she has a head injury? For that matter, if I recall the head contains air sacs for speech is her voice affected?


is the exposed head tubing cauterized shut? or are there sphincters to keep all the air from venting out when she want to direct it down her trunk?

Jay Eaton

Either way it's a pretty severe injury! But significantly less fatal for a centaur than a human. Humans tend to find her appearance striking. Her voice is weakened because she only has one vocal lung.


I would love to be part of an alien boy entourage where we all love our big sexily scarred wife

Jay Eaton

The bronchi to the missing vocal lung is healed open, but she plugs it with wax. Like a human with a throat stoma, it can be difficult to speak without the hole blocked. Her voice is soft and raspy with more frequent pauses for breath than an uninjured centaur.


Hee, the Shta whelp is so pleased with themself!


i was just wondering today how child rearing works with Centaurs. Having little infants that can run around must be tricky, not to mention what infanthood and childhood looks like in an r-selection species (as a member of a K-selection species it's very alien to imagine being so blase about culling babies)!


The baby stage have tails. Their heads fuse together later and their tails go away? That's so interesting. Are the er, nipples on the back? How do they grip the moms body, are they in pouches? I want to learn more about this Centaur in particular. You have such an amazing grasp of anatomy and how things work. I love your imagination ugh!


Oh it's so cool you can see how long those neck feathers are bc of the missing skull fragment. This character has such a fascinating vibe I'm excited to learn more about this clan!


The centaur kids are so cute, especially the Shta one and the one peering at what Verengt is looking at.


ooh, somehow functional prosthetics hadn't crossed my mind. Got a hole? stick a cork in it


Baby Centaurs are my life. They come in skrimbly and chumby and squeak, how can I not like them? All in all, this is one absolutely striking character!


gosh i just love your character design - the barn owl-like facial design for centaurs is so striking and cool. maybe that’s just the childhood guardians of ga’hoole fan in me showing through though. :)