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Uh oh!

Fun detail here is Talita pointing to herself and referring to her body as a separate entity, but Shyam not making that distinction at all.




Aw poor beb 🥺 Talita deserves so much love, physical and non She may be big and heavy but that’s just more to hug and love! And clearly Shyam doesn’t mind that! However it seems Shyam does have issue with long distance, which I totally understand and feel bad for her about 8’(


Poor girl has such intense body dysphoria. :( Its so sad, cause I think her body is genuinely amazing! And clearly Shyam feels the same way.




I love Shyam's expression at the end like "do you think I haven't thought about it and decided that dating you is still completely worth it???" like dang, get it girl


The weight thing reminded me of something I've been wondering about... can that also be an issue in other interspecies relationships or even general interactions, eg. between a human and an avian? Relatedly, how would different species fare against each other in a (weaponless) fight?

Jay Eaton

Body weight is a pretty overwhelming deciding factor in fights. Even the least athletic centaur is going to be an order of magnitude stronger than an avian. Weight and strength can be an issue in co-species spaces even outside of relationships. Talita's fear at the end here isn't unfounded. An accident where a sophont smaller than her gets underfoot could put them in the hospital, or worse, just because her passive body weight is so much and exerting MORE force than that is relatively effortless for her. Talita is never not thinking about where other people are around her in relation to her body. She has a huge amount of physical self control.




Also there's a small typo, Shyam is saying "How is than an issue"


the expressions are fantastic


i wanna see these two eating together and showcasing their vastly different biological (and cultural) differences, but still enjoying each others' company ;_; also i'm enjoying the fact that talita posits that a LDR is a good thing--that's hardly ever seen as a positive for anyone and it's nice to have its benefits be possibly normalized?


I think it's particularly interesting that when Talita is gesturing to her body as an issue she's also doing the sign for "human"