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Been working on this at the speed of slow, because of end of year comics deadlines and being easily distracted.

The Capital Ball is the district of Nexus Jovia that contains most of the polity's governmental buildings. It's a Bernal Sphere megastructure, so it's relatively small (ha ha), and structured kind of like a looping valley with gradually decreasing gravity the further up the sides you walk.

Talita is about 5 years old here. She still has her baby spots. The hexapodal gait she is using to run away from the group is the Bipod-B walk as documented in this research paper on fruit flies.




I'm sooo excited for this comic. Been thinking a LOT about Talita meeting other Centaurs and how that would be


Also her tripod walking looks so dinky I love it


Young Talita is so cuute; really looking forward to the rest of this, even though I know it won't be fun for Talita :') Hopefully some centaurs will at least help her read some signs? Talk to her about the glasses thing?


Also huh, are carers like fish tail person not expected to know first aid for situations like this? Or is she just nervous/stressed/less experienced than Doug?

Jay Eaton

The fish tail GMH is a teenage volunteer at the youth foster care place. She's a little inexperienced at handling large volumes of unruly children.


Lil baby in her human jacket and shorts <3 Guess she would have been growing too quickly at that age for it to be worth investing in custom gear


oh sweet little Talita and her 5-year-old overconfidence! I also got lost because i was SURE i knew the way when i was a little tiny 6 year old, but i think Talita is going on a much bigger (and scarier!) adventure than i did!


i love how talita's not snoot-shy as a little kid... i want to protect her smile

Jay Eaton

Yeah, she doesn't start getting self-conscious about how she speaks until she's a tween :')


Is she chewing on her trunk in the first panel? So cute!


Doug's nickname for Talita is "Angel" TToTT my heart!!


oh god being surrounded by clumsy baby biped slowpokes would be SO AGGRAVATING, poor kid


Thank you for pointing this out! It wasn’t something I noticed until you mentioned it, so it’s interesting to go back through paying attention for it. So many little details!