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Per: gender neutral term for a parent, equivalent to mom or dad.
Typ: A human that has not been significantly modified from the genetic baseline (i.e. you, presumably)

Shyam is 20, Rajni is 21.

I decided I wanted to draw that sphinx college girlfriend that Shyam had, who was mentioned in passing over in this comic. Also previously mentioned, Shyam's buzz-cut.

Emotional immaturity is interesting to write. Well meaning people often hurt each other by  being unable to clearly express what they feel to each other. Rajni is attracted to Shyam in a way that Shyam finds kind of infantilising-- it's not necessarily the word "cute" that's a problem, but the context it's being put in.




Oh man i feel that. I was really small as a kid and nobody took my emotions seriously because when you're small, everything you do is cute. Like a chihuahua growling vs a rottweiler.


Oh man Shyam…it sucks when you take a risk trying to set a boundary and it backfires; it can be so traumatizing. (Also as an aside I really love Rajni’s ears!)

Jay Eaton

Yeah, this kind of thing happens a lot when people are still learning how to have adult relationships... I don't miss this stage of life very much 😥 (She is based on a cougar!! They have cute ears)


On a related note, are there GMHs who feel like more-extreme bio-modders are…idk, trying to self-identify into an oppressed minority? I’d imagine it doesn’t exactly track onto any particular current issue (and also that GMHs are unique in that they’re technically products of a huge labor of deliberate coordinated effort but still occupy a weird social grey area as far as having unique access needs and encountering prejudice), but I can see there being complicated feelings around typ humans choose to modify themselves in ways that GMHs didn’t really have a choice about being.


Love this so much. I felt immediate connection, in the sense of the lengths to which people with "non-typ" neural wiring (i.e., neuroatypicals) will feel the need (either internally or externally) to go to all kinds of lengths to be seen as neurotypical without the use of accommodations. <- seems a bit wordy but I hope you know what I mean: I get it, and feel so hard for Shyam, and Rajni is 100% correct. And then the next part and man, now Shyam's in /two kinds of pain/, not only infantilized, but her boundaries not respected. A punch to the heart! (Very, very well done)


That relationship barrier, though. Social interactions are especially hard when we're younger 😔

Simone Spinozzi

Oh, believe me. A relationship where "the other is infantilizing you" is the main reason why i'm both still single and also avoiding my parents.

Shawn McCormick

Those first and last panels...oof, the feels... In other news, Rajni is...I wanna say unattainable goals, aesthetically. I just really really love her design. Shyam definitely has good taste in women when it comes to looks, and while she could stand to work on her emotional reactions in the face of her partner asking for some self-agency, her statement about not driving your body (literally) into the ground is some wisdom I still struggle with sometimes. This whole piece is great though. Thanks Jay!

Shawn McCormick

Just remember Shyam, any more than 10-20 minutes at a time of that much direct heat will have your body throwing inflammation codes.


oof, right in the feels.


Gawddamnit, stop making comics I can relate to!