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Continuation of this comic with Douglas and 15 y.o. Talita. She's got some some heavy emotional baggage about relationships in "current" RttS, too.

The cat's just enjoying sitting on the large warm vibrating person.




Oh no. I looked into her sad eyes ;-;


Poor bby...also Douglass is a good dad <3


Cat has its priorities straight


Her eyes are so hysterically sad that I almost burst into laughter because she just looks like a huge crying cat meme. The actual cat enjoying her sad purring is good too This makes me wonder if we could hear about what Talia must've reacted to her first time seeing another centaur? Or does that happen late enough in her life it would be RTTS spoilers?


Poor baby, good thing she has a good parental figure to help her through. Now I kinda wanna see the Proud Dad Moment when Douglas hears about Shyam, that would be adorable


The cat liking her warmth makes me wonder about Talita's usual body temperature. Cats are usually much warmer then humans.

Jay Eaton

She encounters other centaurs at several points in her childhood. They're usually adults traveling with their clan, and there's often a language barrier. It's been awkward, historically.


Did Sorrel actually say it was gross or is Talita just projecting her insecurities?


Oh man, I bet Talita’s arms fold into a perfect shape for a cat nest! Are her pupils different colors like that just to show she’s sad, like Shyam’s semi-symbolic sweat-drops for stress/embarrassment, or is something specific about how her pupils reflect light?

Jay Eaton

Her pupils in the second panel here are just very dilated with weird highlights to show she's miserable. It's mostly me trying to portray that she's crying without literally having her leak from the eyeballs. Shyam's sweatdrops are often literal. Her red-blonde covering is more akin to thin, straight body hair than fur; it has no undercoat. Sweat takes a little longer to evaporate but it still does what it's supposed to.

Jay Eaton

Hm... I'm not planning to write the conversation, but I'll just say he probably strongly implied some disgust. The other kids have been joking that he's dating her for years to get under his skin, and her confession probably felt like an awful cosmic punchline to that bullying. Dealing with it by cutting contact is a jerk move, but, I mean, 15 year olds, not famously great at dealing with complex interpersonal problems.

Simone Spinozzi

i can agree with the sentiment of the bearded person 🤣👍💖💯


oh yikes, i know teenagers are kind of stupid, but i would’ve hoped that he’d be decent enough to realize that she’s like. not actually gross. and that there’s nothing gross about her feelings for him…like, hopefully as he matures he realizes that if the teasing got under his skin so much then maybe that says something about his internalized prejudices, and then put some work into getting better.