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So, I bought some sculpey and acrylic paints. I might make a 1/12 scale model or two. Who knows. It's been a while since I had a fun craft project to get me off the computer, so I'm going to do it at whatever pace comes naturally.




Talita! That second pic is very “VALID TO EAT FINGERS” 😊


super cool :D


yesss!! I've been always wondering what her head looks like in 3d


Yesssss, love me some Talita!!! I fell head over heels for her design and anatomy 💓


Oh man that's awesome! If you do end up making the whole thing it would be awesome if you decided to cast it!


Ooh, nice sculpting! I wonder if some goggley eyes could fit in those eyesockets...?

Jay Eaton

I've actually asked a friend (who does this way more than me) to send me some small glass eyes! And some tiny neodymium magnets because I wanna try making some detachable antlers...


This looks so cool! The side view looks almost exactly like how you draw her, it’s wild.


You already have an extremely solid grasp of what your characters' 3D forms look like, but this us a really good exercise for artists who want to do that.


In drawings, I never realize how flat a centaurs face is til it's 3/4ths but in model it gives me big barn owl vibes.