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Here, have another one while we're at it.

This is six years after this comic, Talita is 15. The early teens were a low point in her life.




Noooooo 😓😓😭😭😭


Poor Talita <3


jaaaaay 😭 this is so good my heart is in PIECES... poor girl 🥺


Oh, poor Talita :'( I remember you mentioned before that she "cries" like a human- would this be an unusual distress display for a homeplanet centaur?

Jay Eaton

I think I mentioned that in a comic several years ago, but it's pretty outdated. This is a typical centaur stress response, it's hard-baked into her in a way that a lot of her emotional range of expression isn't.




No!!! talita!!!! <|:(

Shawn McCormick

I keep coming back to this, just to appreciate the details and expressiveness of it all, and it took me this long to notice her id badge and the adorable critter hanging from it.


I didn’t notice the badge on my first read either. I’m curious about the ID badge’s context. Is it related to the foster care house? Or is that just where she keeps her ID for convenience rather than in a wallet that she might have trouble getting a card out of?


That's very sad, but at least that means if another centaur saw her doing this they might comfort her :') Thanks for the response!

Jay Eaton

They're a keycard for the teen foster care place and her room in the building. She keeps them on a lanyard because she's not used to having her own keys and doesn't want to lose them.

Simone Spinozzi

<h1>🥺💔 ༼ つ TnT ༽つ🍀</h1>


I always wanted to ask if she still visited him but finding out like this hurts my soul. Someone give that poor girl a hug and alien-approved ice cream!!


Aw sad baby talita :( centaurs expressing grief by shivering+chattering their teeth is really interesting though! Is it just how their bodies process overwhelming emotion? Snapping her jaw shut with frustration at not being able to control the chattering is so painfully relatable. (Also, is the buzzing the environment/air around her reacting to her infrasonic?)


douglas death metal fan douglas death metal fan


this comic makes my heart break. douglas must've been so torn up inside...