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More art sitting around on my harddrive from earlier this year.

Do I have any plans to have these two go to a formal junction in the story? Not really. Do I enjoy designing clothes and drawing fluff? Yes.

That Talita dress does at least show up in universe, because there's a plot detail where Naya Pradesh has the highest population of resident centaurs in the galaxy outside of the centaur homeworld, so I thought it would fun to send Talita off to an autotailor with centaur staff and get at least one article of clothing that isn't basically just modified human fashion. She is going to feel weird about the open front at first.




I thought she always had her chest covered?


Love-struck Talita just staring and Shyam's "Gimme kiss"... I'm melting!


They are too stinking cute!! The fashion suits them well!


Love Talita curling her trunk around her hands for her 😍 face. Is she holding Shyam’s tail with her left hand in the third picture, or do they just line up that way?


YASS fancy girls we love that

Jay Eaton

She is holding her hand and her tail. These two have a lot of gripping appendages.


They both look so good (and very cute together)! I love Talita’s dress design, it’s such a good balance of feminine-fancy and alien anatomy and it suits her really well.

Simone Spinozzi

.... pockets ❤️ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iC3tBHgHJkQ


God don't you just love it when your girlfriend has a convenient handle? Great for anxiety.


im phasing out of reality from how cute that kiss sketch is


ohhhh i feel so spoiled getting to see all of these lovely fluffy sketches. im eating it up


look flufy formalwear pics are sometimes an essential part of the creation process even if it has no story purpose


girls in love! girls in love!!