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This is in an industrial area on the outskirts of Naya Pradesh's capitol city. Idrisah, Gillie, Pinkie, and Brownie have been working across the street this entire time, which I don't think I've mentioned, lol??

Or, well, I was considering putting the BFGC-run lab more towards the city center, but this does give me a convenient excuse for having a UPR facility (Universal Public Restroom, fits every sophont. Not as horrible as it sounds, in this case, it's maintained by the BFGC governmental workers) within walking distance of Shyam's place, because she only has a human restroom when Talita becomes her unexpected house guest. 

Idrisah and Gillie are sleeping at a hotel further into the capitol, and Talita was originally going to as well, but the hotel staff refused to admit her and refunded her stay when she showed up in person. The hotel manager wouldn't say why, but it's probably because Talita's name that she booked the stay under sounds human and she is... not. So Talita went back to the mechanic's shop and awkwardly asked if she could stay the night. Shyam let her sleep on the fall mats below her hammock in the loft. The arrangement wasn't inconvenient enough for Shyam to ask her leave the following night, so... Talita just ends up staying there the whole time she's renting Shyam's workshop space to do fusion engine repairs.




What are they all doing there?


oo what's the yard for? It's huge!

Jay Eaton

Mostly vehicle storage, testing, and scrap. The heavy equipment Shyam is usually working is huge, so the more room the better.

Jay Eaton

Talita is fixing a broken piece of the runaway that had to taken to the ground (do to the orbital repairs team being on strike). Idrisah and Gillie are doing translation/decoding work for an obscure alien language that Pinkie and Brownie's biotech project involves.


I just realized: what is criminal-record (and I assume active-warrant) Bip doing while the crew is on-planet working? Can AIs disguise themselves as another AI or a non-AI ship system to stay off the radar? Would they be bored to tears doing that? Getting into mischief? Taking a month-long “nap”?