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So, I passed the goal for 3 streams a month! Starting in October, I'll be streaming:

  • First Sunday of month 12PM PST: Twitch Patron Request Stream
  • Second Saturday of month 12PM PST: Discord Server Patrons-only Stream (general art, games, or chill)
  • Third Sunday of the month 7PM PST: Twitch General Art Stream

This month my schedule is still in hell mode because I'm moving next week, to a place where I have a year long lease so I should (finally) have a more stable schedule for streaming. I'm planning to do the Twitch general art stream this weekend, Saturday the 18th at 7pm PST. Hope to see you there!

And my endless gratitude goes out to everybody who's pledged the past couple months. I have been in housing situation/moving purgatory this entire summer and it's been an incredible comfort to have my Patreon grow so much during that time. Thank you, thank you, thank you.