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An excuse to draw some iconography and talk about aspects of the human and human-culture-adjacent characters I never bring up because it's not super worldbuilding or narrative relevant. Somehow this story ended up as 'oops, all lesbian odd couples' but you write what you know, I guess. 

All these characters go by she/her except for Bip the they/them. Talita is actually unusual as an alien for identifying as a woman (which is a human gender) on a level any deeper than linguistic, but I wouldn't consider her 'trans' for it. It's more like just another part of her identity wrapped up in having been socialized by humans.

The ages are actually from how old they are when Shyam is introduced, which is about 3 years out from the book I'm writing right now (and over 6 years out in real life... yeesh, comics) but the gist is that they are all in their 30s except Bip the octogenarian. Though, Bip would be considered young for an A.I., since some sapient A.I. are over a thousand years old.

The unisex and unisex GMH flags are tentative, but I modified them from the existing most commonly recognized intersex flag. I'm sure I could argue that unisex falls under the umbrella of what we would medically consider 'intersex' but I feel like the distinction is important, in-universe and in terms of lumping my fantasy single-sex humans with real intersex people. 

Also, Bip has some actual identities, they're just incredibly evasive about it.



Kory Bing

I love that everybody is in their 30s put that shit RIGHT in my face please.

Jay Eaton

I'm in my 20s and I'm personally sick of reading stories about people in their 20s. Like, can we get some adults with established lives in the room please lmao? Not everything has to be a coming-of-age drama.


I like the jovian flag! How did you come up with it?

Jay Eaton

Red circle with a band for Jupiter and the big red spot, black sky for space and the outer solar system, yellow for Saturn (also occupied by Jovia), and 4 white circles for the four largest moons of Jupiter.


would love a sticker or patch with the jovian flag on it!


Also, is gillie considered trans because she was assigned unisex at birth? Is that a thing?

Jay Eaton

Gillie is AMAB and transitioned young. Assigned unisex at birth is, a thing (like with Shyam), but in unisex GMH cultures picking a gendered pronoun isn't unusual and doesn't necessarily make the person trans, since unisex is not a gender designation. There are some unisex GMH who choose to medically transition to a binary sex, and they might be more likely consider themselves transgender. It's complicated. Modern terminology starts to break down in a setting like this, a lot of it comes down to local culture and personal choice of ID.


I'm new to your patreon, does unisex in this context mean that the person does not have sex characteristics, or that they have the base of "both" sexes, or something else completely? This is really interesting.

Jay Eaton

Unisex in a genetically modified human context means that the person was born with internal gonads that can produce both sperm and eggs (and usually has both kinds of the associated equipment). Terms for animals and plants with the same deal are "hermaphrodite" or "monoecious" but it's rude to refer to humans as those. Unaltered humans are considered bisex or two-sex, though they may choose to become surgically unisex later in life.


Given your setting and the biological and subsequently necessary cultural speculation therein, I'm happy that this concept was included. You seem more than capable of handling it realistically and these queer concepts (though it really shouldn't be considered this IRL) absolutely have not been included in media enough.

Wolf Bane

Might be a dumb question and I may have just missed it/don't remember, but what does GMH mean? Edit: WAIT it means genetically modified human doesn't it?
