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The major vertebrate clade on centaur planet has a second "pelvis" as girdle for their forelimbs. This means in some ways, the muscular anatomy of the shoulder anatomy on centaurs and their relatives ends up looking more like the hind limbs of earth vertebrates, since they only have the floating shoulder blade that we do on their midlimbs. Most of the arm dexterity centaurs have comes from the ability of the two distal segments on their arm to twist, much like the ulna and radius in the human lower arm.

I have to illustrate a cut of fore-shoulder meat, so these drawings are me sitting down and trying to figure out the specifics of where everything is attached. I never feel very confident designing bones and muscles, it always ends with me sketching a million variations and not being sure which is the most suitable for what I need it to do. In creature design I tend to figure out the exterior and some internal generalities and then.... do poses and movement by vibe.




ooh, as a butcher irl i am VERY excited to see what you end up making of this. would it be too forward to offer my experience as a reference if you want/need it?


What does the small livestock animal use its frontmost legs for? They're very stubby looking

Jay Eaton

Digging for tubers! That's why they have the wide claws. Their niche in the wild is similar to a pig.


Wow what a thorough examination