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Some exploration of how I'm going to need to adapt ASL handshapes for Talita's four fingered symmetrical hands... this was fun but really I need to just straight up go through the alphabet and numbers, since the vast majority of handshapes are referenced from those two systems. Also included, some tentative words for the aliens, which I need to do more research for. My vocabulary isn't that big so I don't know for sure if they conflict with existing words.

I'm considering referring to this sign language as JSL/Jovian Sign Language in RttS, since, Gillie is from a giant space station near Jupiter, not America. But... we still call what I'm typing right now English, even if it's technically American English. So should the spoken language should probably be called Jovian English, but should the sign language be called JSL or ASL? It is future derivative of ASL and sign languages tend to be named after their regional community, but I don't want readers to think I made it up for the story or anything.




Oh that's really smart and makes it readable as ASL!


If you're not changing the language too much, I think keeping it as ASL is a good idea. It would probably act as regional variants in signs do - ie they're all ASL, just some differences based on like regional drift and adapting for what's needed.


This is so good


Oh, I love this as a deaf person! And especially I really like the inclusion of Gillie AND Talita adjusting ASL for her species, I've been reading through your worldbuilding blog and the amount of detail and accuracy put into disabilities and marginalization is so, so good.

Jay Eaton

Oh thank you so much!! 😭 I am really trying to write a story and setting that can touch on real life issues of disability, accommodation, and marginalized identity by extending those themes to their logical conclusion in fiction