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Heart-to-heart. You know how it feels to say goodbye to a coworker you were close to, knowing that your friendship will inevitably dissipate when there's no longer work and proximity holding it together? Yeah.

If the earpiece jack she's holding looks weird, it's because it's made for a ferret ear.




What did cal and mel fight about? i know that's probably a spoiler so you can't say but i'm still curious! and ixion, i feel like that should be familiar but I don't remember... also does cal have some sort of robotic avatar that he can use? What sort of senses do ais have? i'd imagine it varies depending on hardware, but is there typically a camera and microphone for orally-inclined species to interact with? Is cal's awareness limited to just one place or can he have like, an all-encompassing awareness (at least, with everything they're connected to)? Can different AIs "link up" and exchange info over the internet? that would be sort of like telepathy, huh. Sorry for all the questions, don't feel like you have to answer all of them. I'm just so excited! Your worldbuilding is just so cool omg

Jay Eaton

It is a spoiler 😔 Functionally, an AI's server (like the one pictured here) is a brain, and anything they connect to is like limbs or sensory organs. The only limit to the amount of input and limbs an A.I. can have is how much processing power they have. The majority of Calcery's server units here are dedicated to processing/responding to input concurrently, mostly related to running reclamation equipment in the junkyard. Here all of Cal's comms equipment has been packed, but it would include his radio/wireless broadcasting center, speakers, screens, arm units (for ferret speech) self maintenance and personality drones, etc. Personal expression and an A.I.'s chosen 'face' can vary a lot but Cal used a unique animated screen icon, albeit more sparingly than Bip does. A.I.s talk with each other all the time over the internet, at much greater speed than they can with organic sapients since the only limit is transfer delay and quantum processing power. Their interpersonal drama is a deep well that organics can only scratch the surface of.


I really love your approach to AI with this universe.


“you too, talita” cal KNOWS