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Full face reveal! You guys already know what she looks like though. Spoilers much? :/

Gonna be trying to do 6 rough pages a week minimum, for about 200 rough pages by December 31st. Contractually then, I'll probably have to stop sharing around end of July. That is, if I stick closely to my schedule... we'll see how that goes. I'm not great at managing my production rhythm (or my circadian rhythm...)

I'm going to tag the pages of this comic with #rtts, since I've now ran into the problem of calling the setting and this specific story the same thing. #runaway-to-the-stars is the setting tag (including stories like Airsled and Terranaut). I feel like it ought to be the other way around, but editing every single post sounds way too time consuming. I have comics to draw, after all!




The girl!! And good luck, that's a massive workload ahead of you, but you seem to have a good gameplan. I'm cheering for you!