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Working on a scud sex ed post to match the ones I drew for the other aliens. Scuds have by far the most complicated and least exciting reproductive system in RttS.




Do scuds have similar taboos regarding "sex" (ie. Extending fan) and early parenthood as humans do?

Jay Eaton

Scuds have a pretty weird relationship with sex and parenthood compared to humans. For an average adult scud, eggs will just happen unless they’re actively using a contraceptive, fan extension only raises the probability that eggs will happen soon. This means that a lot of eggs get smashed, either because the layer doesn’t want kids or because they are cherrypicking from the eggs they laid. Parenthood is thus culturally much more voluntary for scuds than it is for us, and early parenthood is considered a rash decision more on the scale of adopting 20 cats. As far as fan extending, it depends on culture but the most taboo it gets is doing it in public or around strangers, where it is comparable to public nudity or urination (even though scuds do both of those in public, lol)


there are so many steps and they are all scud

David Helmer

This looks like it would make colonizing other worlds very difficult for Scuds.