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So, Terranaut was rejected by the publisher I pitched to, so it will be getting self-published the same way Airsled was. I had some brief back and forth with the publisher, confirming my suspicion that the property of mine they were specifically interested in was the original RttS story with Talita as protagonist. I reassessed and I'm feeling a lot more confident in starting work on it that now than when they originally queried me in 2017, so I've decided to try pitching it next. No guarantee they won't reject this pitch too, but that's just publishing, baby!!

RttS is supposed to be a series of 150-200 page books in a sort of a tonkoban/manga style. Since I want to publish them at a reasonable frequency, the style I'm planning on is a refined version of my hatching/pencils, in greyscale. I wasn't entirely happy with my greyscale work in Airsled, and this is a style that feels a lot more natural to me-- basically, it's what I've been doing for Terranaut rough pages. I think it will also be faster for me to complete.

For the pitch I have to complete 5 pages, so I'm expanding on a scene I've already drawn and really liked. We'll see where this goes. I'll keep ya'll updated.



Kory Bing

I love the way you use Talita's owl-y head for expressions! She's such a nervous wreck.


Good luck on your pitch! And boo to them if they don't want your fun alien adventures, I've loved all your rtts work and would be happy to buy it in book form no matter what publishing route you go!

Jay Eaton

Thank you! I'm planning to get RttS published traditionally, but hopefully this publisher likes my pitch and I don't have to spend so much time shopping around. I might try to pitch Terranaut and Airsled later as an anthology, once I have more short stories to go with them. I wanna do one stand-alone story for each of the aliens (including humans)

Jay Eaton

I love her big flat head, she's like a hand puppet! But the puppeteer is her chest brain


Heh. "Be an anxious centaur and a snarky AI. Do Crimes."


Aw, the rejection is a shame. Good luck with the RttS pitch, though! A side story anthology also sounds like a great idea :0