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Hello everyone! As you may know, I am recovering from surgery. Because of this, the session may be shorter than normal, but I'll try to stream for at least 2 hours. It will depend on whether using my tablet for a long continuous stretch pulls on my incisions. Any drawing I don't finish during the stream will be completed within a week after the stream.

My monthly Twitch stream will take place at 12pm on Sunday, September 6th and run for no longer than 5 hours. That's next Sunday at time of posting.

If you are in the Above and Beyond tier, please request now in the comments or DM me. If you can't make it to the stream, don't worry, I will still do the artwork and post it here when it's done!

1. You can request almost anything as long as it's a digital sketch I can do in 30 minutes! This includes design prompts, characters with refs, an animal you like, or questions about one of my original concepts or fan projects. This is what requested art looks like.  
2. All requests are taken at my discretion. If I feel something is inappropriate or overly complex I will reject it or modify the prompt. No nsfw requests, if you'd like spicy artwork then please DM instead of requesting on Twitch or in a comment.
3. If the request is about one of my original concepts or fan projects I may do more than a 30 minute sketch for it, depending on time available and my personal interest.
4. For a request, either comment on this post or whisper it to me on my Twitch channel along with your Patreon username so I can confirm that you pledged in the $10 tier. If your payment has not gone through for the month at the time of the stream, I cannot complete the request. New $10 patrons can pledge during the stream to request, because I have upfront payment turned on for Patreon.



I've got my Amerveille oc for you this month! This is Linkmorr, a disgruntled writer/typist -References - My ref of them - https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/476225567306285070/670091319774806016/Linkmorr.png Icon by Rat Wednesday on twitter -https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/605252888050270209/676285027801235456/VicCommission.png


Oh and the markings along the character's left side are entirely optional, a form of temporary tattoos.


Hi Jay. I'd like to commission one of my players (screen name Queen Thera) characters this month. She is an emerald elemental who pretends to be human. Her Human name is Ridley Stonesoul. Her human form is based on Garnet from Steven Universe (though she only has two eyes). https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/steven-universe/images/1/16/GarnetByKmes.png/revision/latest?cb=20200528210809 She looks mostly human except that her eyes are facated emeralds and the lines of her face and mucles look sharp and rock like. She normally dresses in biker gear, though she doesn't have a motorbike yet, and keeps her afro cut shorter then Garnet's. The centre portrait here is an offical example of her type of earth elemental. https://1d4chan.org/images/thumb/b/b5/Inanimae.png/300px-Inanimae.png I hope this one is more suitible for commissioning. Sorry for going overboard and trying for three characters last month.


Hello! I was hoping this month you could draw my sweet but nervous copper dragon Magpie: https://thefivewitspress.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/magpieref1.png (Sorry my references are always so rough. 💦) Hope your recovery's going smoothly!


Hello, I apologize for submitting my commission so close to the stream again, but I’ll be commissioning another critter of mine: https://i.imgur.com/20YenTI.jpg. This one is a slug descendent which has converged on snake-like locomotion and has evolved its radula into a spear-like device and its lower tentacles into pincers. It primarily feeds on arboreal snails and other slugs.