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EDIT: I have to get a Covid-19 test today at 11:30am, so the stream will run at 12:30pm and hopefully I will not experience any other weird delays. Here's hoping I test negative because I have top surgery scheduled this Thursday!

Hey gang, I wasn't feeling very well last Sunday (don't worry, not rona) and ending up sleeping instead of streaming. I'll be streaming this Sunday (August 9th) instead. If you're a $10 patron and want to submit a request, be sure to do so via DMs here or on the comments of this post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/august-streaming-39660671

 Sorry for the delay! I am feeling much better now.



Gives me the chance to change my sketch selection Chainbound is the name of this character https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/569599664710746112/740097501708681216/2.png


Right. Sorry for the late submission. A sketch of the character of Flora Sinclair/Greenfoot for a Changleing the Dreaming rpg campaign I'm running in her helper elf form (like in the fairy tale about the cobbler) and her two magical ladybug servents. Here is a prose description: Pleasantly plump and just about five-and-a-half-feet tall, Flora usually dons a plain skirt, twin-set and apron while in her shop. As a human, she has green eyes and light-brown hair, usually worn in a ponytail. When dressing for court, Flora gets quite formal, in a sweeping gown of green satin embroidered with lilies and thistles. In her Fae Mien, she becomes a foot shorter and more stout with emerald eyes and flowing chestnut brown hair. In addition her feet are always bare and the deep green of spring moss. Giant Ladybirds roughly the size of a greyhound. Maggie and Tilda serve has Flora’s assistants in her florist and as her staff during court. and also a picture of her human face: https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/whitewolf/images/e/e6/Duchess_Flora.png/revision/latest?cb=20180213212705


Forgot to mention. Maggie is a Seven Spotted Ladybug (https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-qVyFXzAAeWo/T1-mKQ59qxI/AAAAAAAAAQ0/eJ9cWAP_zjc/s200/Beetle+5+slide+95.jpg) while Tilda is a Striped Ladybird (https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-515cwuSZqLA/XPWNRJwczlI/AAAAAAAAE3A/0F-6AXv6eFAnJrFSTXfQt6OgNRS1RI1hQCLcBGAs/s200/Striped%2BLadybird%2B%2528Myzia%2Boblongoguttata%2529%2B.jpg)