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These two are a little tougher than Min to develop outfits for, because neither of them are particularly self image focused. They are usually dressed comfortably outside of specific formal settings, but they have different ideas of what is comfortable. I'm also trying to give them key colors (because I shamelessly love color theming) without making them look too much like cartoon characters with a wardrobe made of a set palette. I decided what worked best was dividing up the hue wheel between the two of them and letting the tone and shade vary as much as I want. That way they get to wear a variety of colors, but never the SAME colors as each other...

Gillie's colors are white, gold, red-orange thru yellow, and dark blue thru cyan. Idrisah's colors are black, silver, red-pink thru indigo, and chartreuse thru medium green.

Also, I'm playing with the idea of elaborate colorful makeup just being a standard courthouse dresscode for the planet-bubble they hail from. I don't have a great reason for this yet but in my defense it is very cool. Since they are interpreters for avians (Idrisah) and bug ferrets (Gillie), they normally dress in the colors associated with those races while interpreting, but that's also opposite of the colors they normally wear. It sort of works into how them being in court is about playing a passive role that is not about their personal identity... or something




The work makeup seems like a cool way for them to professionally identify the species/races they translate for and make themselves seem a little more familiar/less alien to those species. Is Idrisah’s bright headscarf also part of identifying herself as a bright in avian translation situations?