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Chkbrr makes a mad dash to bed in the same spirit as 7 yo me hearing a spooky noise in the dark house when I got up at 2am to get a glass of water

Hey guys! I've been in a creative funk for a while, and my usual method of snapping out of one is to trap myself in a cafe until I make progress. Unfortunately, there's a plague happening? So I have started streaming on twitch, instead, which means it's gonna be digital art for a bit.

This is new and born from quarantine cabin fever so I can't promise anything just yet, but I'd love to eventually set up a regular streaming schedule and do sketch requests for patrons?  Next time I do a comics stream I'll announce it here, but if you'd like to follow my account: https://www.twitch.tv/jayrockin5858/

But in the immediate future, I'm doing a request stream for Almost Real Kickstarter pledges on Saturday 12PM PST / 3PM EST, more info here: https://jayrockin.tumblr.com/post/613433172157513728/almostrealzine-almost-real-a-speculative



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