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I have been planning a collaboration with Youtuber Ewa U./Worldbuilding Notes (it's in the very early stages, don't get too excited) involving some small intelligent animals that live in her fantasy river basin. I've been assisting with the physical design and the details of their rudimentary tool use. 

Her basic concept was a hand-height oviparous gliding animal with a language that can be spoken by humans, woven hanging houses, and bow and arrow weapons. I suggested a marmoset-like animal with arrow quills and a gliding patagium! Next step is drawing their colors and little woven houses.




now the most important question have about these lil guys is.... ....do they wear tiny clothes?

Jay Eaton

I think they're gonna end up being more like very smart and social animals than sapients, so the answer is YES but you'll have to make the clothes for them