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Let me introduce you to a miserly figure named Reginald Frostwell. Now, Reginald wasn't your average festive soul; in fact, he was the proud owner of a successful company that specialized in crafting Christmas decorations. Quite ironic, wouldn't you say?

As December tiptoed in, Reginald hatched a scheme as cold as his last name. He planned to dismiss his entire staff just days before Christmas, robbing them of holiday cheer and leaving them stranded in uncertainty. But that's not the worst of it – the way he decided to break the news was nothing short of heartless, a cruel twist that tarnished the season for those who toiled under his frosty gaze.

Picture this: glittering envelopes, adorned with festive colors, carefully placed on each employee's desk. The anticipation building in the air as they opened these seemingly joyous messages. But alas, instead of the expected Christmas bonus, they found cold, heartless termination notices. Oh, the disappointment!


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