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Update: I've been trying to fix the PC and just realized the yellow light on the motherboard, according to google that means there's a problem with the RAM
memory, I ordered a RAM stick, it should be here in a couple days, I have to wait to see if that fixes it, if not then it could be a hard drive, and in the worst case the motherboard but I think if it was that there wouldn't be any lights blinking at all 🤷
My PC is not working 😭 I'm still trying to figure out what happened, I was working on today's drawing and left for a bit and when I was back the monitor and the tablet screens were off and didn't turn back on, I restarted the PC and got a blue screen, I'm not sure yet if I lost all my data, I have a small/old windows tablet that I'll try to use to keep making drawings until the PC is fixed or some parts replaced, some series will be on hold since I need the original files to keep working on them.



oh no! I'm sorry that happened! I hope it gets figured out and all is well soon!


Oh dear! I hope this is only a hiccup and your data is ok