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Shrinking while ridding a dick? 

I'm still sick, I had to go to the doctor again today because of the pain and other symptoms, nothing crazy, also I was able to work on a drawing a little this morning, so, if I'm feeling better tomorrow the regular drawings will be back 😊



Howard Thomson

LOVE the concept of shrink fucking!! Would love to try that out! Sorry to hear you're still under the weather. Here's hoping you'll be feeling better before much longer.


Hope you feel better. Would love to see a few frames of this concept. Super hot

Anthony Williams

Awesome art - would love to see more in that vein! Wish you swift recovery!!

S Munson

Mostly, just concentrate on your health...a few days is cool...or whatever...we understand and even though we are Great followers of yours we'll be patient with you for what you can you do. Okay?