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This time I'll try to post the next page during the week since it's going to be just to shape up the story, this way you can see the good part next Saturday.

Some random thoughts:

As always I'll be trying my best to keep posting everyday and I can't really speed up the stories too much since I want them to make sense at least a little bit, sorry if you feel like there's not a lot of "action" going on lately, some good stuff is coming soon.

Thanks for supporting me so far, it's been an incredible year for me, work wise at least, even though my personal life hasn't been good lately I still get to do what I like the most for a job, which is drawing, it might not look like it but I put a lot of hours into each drawing from 8 to 12 hours per day. I try to watch tutorials every now and then so I can improve and give you guys better artworks.

I'm still thinking on a way to make things more interesting here, we had events, interactive series where you guys voted to choose what happens next and now I'm thinking on "casting" some of you or your original characters in stories like this one (Special Treatment).




I'm loving where this is going, I enjoy the slow build up and anticipate their reactions waking up. Now where do I sign up for said treatment?


I agree. You're stories seem to get longer and more distinct with each comic series you do. Which i love! Great job, keep going. Cant wait to see the rest of this either.