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After months of searching in South America, Nathan finally discovered a lead on what could be one of the biggest treasures of all time, in the old text he found they described a big golden disc, engraved with the image of Pachumama an old goddess who was revered by the Incas, the artifact was supposed to be immense, it was said to covered the top of a temple as it was the roof. 
Accompanied by a local guide Nathan arrived to the place the old temple was built; but there was a problem, the said temple was gone, the place where the city described in the old texts was, is now nothing but an empty valley, the guide told Nathan that he shouldn't get closer to the valley, the old gods would get upset his he did so, looking back to the trail where they came from he saw what it looked to be an old wall, as if they were protecting something, but why protect an empty valley?, he thought.
Nathan was sure something was off, there were old roads that disappeared into the jungle floor, as if they were cut, he kept on searching for hours, until he felt something,  his heart started beating faster, he started sweating and started feeling dizzy then noticed he hadn't seen the guide in a while, he tried to call him but his voice was gone, he started to worry and thought on going back to the old road they saw before, but when he gave his next step he heard something break, it sounded like he stepped on a small ceramic piece, after checking the ground he found a small thin road made of what it looked like tiny ceramic bones and skulls, they looked strangely realistic and detailed for its minuscule size.
Still lost and confused Nathan decided to follow the thin bone trail. The more he waked the faster his heart was beating, without noticing his lower body was getting affected by this too; after a few minutes of walking the trail ended, then he saw what it looked like a golden coin flashing in the top of a stone altar [...] 
Part 2
Nathan body was moving by it self,  he was in some kind of trance and didn't care anymore where he was or what he was doing, all he wanted was to cum, he unzipped his pants and started stroking his dick, every time he stroked his dick he felt how all his body vibrated, this feeling was addictive, he couldn't stop, he kept going until he came. He regained consciousness  for but now his clothes felt heavier and loose, he saw the stone pilar and realized it wasn't as small as before. The golden coin flashed again, and the feeling came back, he was once again feeling horny, he started stroking his dick until everything before him was blurry.
After regaining consciousness Nathan found himself in the top of a pile of what it looked to be some sort of fabric, but too thick to recognize what it was. A day had passed it was the early morning already, he had spent the night in the jungle, or that's what he thought, the place where he was mow didn't resemble the jungle, the threes were way taller, more than what he had ever seen in all of his adventures.
From the top of the pile he started looking for the stone altar but he couldn't see it, his memories from the day before where foggy but after some time he remembered the tiny trail he followed to get there, if he followed it again he might get to the altar and will be able to investigate that mysterious gold coin  [...]  
Part 3
Carefully Nathan descended from the pile, and started searching for the tiny trial, as he walked through the jungle he realized how big the plants surrounding him really were he started to get an idea of what was going on, but decided to continue searching instead of coming with crazy ideas. Not too long after Nathan found something but it wasn't exactly what he was looking for, instead of a tiny trail he found a large road, paved with what it looked like real human skulls and bones.
Determined to know what was going, he walked the bone road, in his way he saw old stone pillars and crumbled walls, the more he advanced the more structures were visible, he kept going until he reached a dead end, the bone road ended and a huge stone column was blocking the way; Nathan stopped and looked behind him, he had the feeling someone was following him from quite a while, but thought of reaching an open space before confronting whatever was after him.
Nathan knew something was coming, the earth trembled, the sky turned black, as if something was getting close from above, quickly Nathan took cover under the one of the stone structures nearby  [...]  
Part 4
A loud noise came from the clearing where Nathan was, the trees were shaking, there was dust and tiny bits of stone flying everywhere, a deep grave sound came from above, almost as if someone was talking, slowly Nathan turned back to check what was happening.
Then he saw it, a giant hand destroying the stone pilar that was blocking the road, as if it was freeing the way for him to continue, but why? he thought. Still in shock from the impression Nathan could not think in anything else but get far away from there that place was bad news, but, when the hand moved the last part pilar he was able to see what was at the very end of the road, it was non other than the temple depicted in the old texts.
From that distance the temple looked huge, intrigued Nathan realized that the temple was definitely not gone, so, how could have he missed it?, all the questions he had could be answered if he went inside, but there was one huge problem, what appeared to be a giant was there, maybe it was some kind of guardian, but how come no one had seen it before?. 
The hand went up again, the sky cleared and the earth started trembling again, Nathan was who was still lost in his thoughts got scared by this, but the tremors where getting less strong  as if the giant was leaving [...] 
Part 5
Carefully Nathan started getting closer to the temple, always looking up and paying attention to the ground in case something vibrated, on his way he noticed some paintings in the crumbled walls, they seemed to tell a story, lines of what it looked like tiny men were depicted in the paintings all climbing the pyramid, the last part was erased, but it seemed they were entering a giant door in the top of it.
 When he was close enough he noticed he wasn't alone in that place a small group of men were entering the temple all naked just like him, Nathan hid and waited to see what they the men were doing there. Hours passed but no one returned from the inside, it was already getting late, it was almost night time and he didn't had any source of light with him, he'll have  to wait until the next morning to explore the temple, so he decided to take the risk and enter.




I'd pick up all the buff shrunk men and molest all their little beefy asses