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Hi all!

The Patroncast is here again, so let's get caught up on March, as the world's suddenly slightly on fire, so we should probably discuss that.

Naturally, you can also watch the unlisted YouTube video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D9UxAOuDib0

Or you can just download it from Google Drive if you prefer - https://drive.google.com/open?id=1lrDb6H0CHewJIT4dzxNjPvlVrKQ3bPeL

And don't forget the entire playlist of Patroncasts too -  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xy8-DABMEx4&list=PLwH1xJhcXG0f38Jjmzko1yKXoTR_c2MFJ

And as for Tabby, our resident expert on social distancing, she's been showing off how to enjoy the sun while staying inside...



Also: Awww Tabby pics! ❤️❤️❤️


You can destroy holdings as a nomad in Crusader Kings II, but despite that I'm pretty sure CKII kill everyone isn't possible. One issue is nomad population: nomads have explicit an explicit population number, and while that can be reduced by losses in battle, I don't think the specific mechanics would let it get down to 0. The other is that certain titles will always exist even if they're unlanded, notably the Papacy, so there will always be other characters around even if you conquer the world.