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Okay hear me out xD. I am aware I've been trying to recreate this "armless streamer" idea for an embarrassingly long time now, with varying results. Nevertheless I still believe it's a great gimmick/format for the stuff I really like: changing outfits, interaction with "onlookers" in chat, the para-social relationship it lets you develop if it's a long running series, compilation-like cuts of interesting bits, but also long parts to just let it feel real and "realtime".

So obviously I had to have a shot at this holy grail, once again, with this new workflow. I really hope you like it!

fullscreen loop: https://player.vimeo.com/video/789181086?autoplay=1&loop=1 

normal vimeo link: https://vimeo.com/789181086

password: twitch


Private Video on Vimeo


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