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I've been gone for a bit now and I've been pausing payments accordingly, but now I'm back with quite an update for anyone interested.

But first, the part everyone is here for. Loba's hungry booty.

Loba's Loot 

Nude version (because of course) 

I definitely didn't need to spend as much time on this as I did, but I hit a point where I was like, "it's already taken me this long, I better make sure the quality is worth the wait." Next thing I know, I'm looking up sound effects for the random objects Loba's tossing aside as if that really matters.

Now for the big update. For reasons I'll get into in the following paragraphs, I'm updating my page to allow more income. I've thought about this a lot, and since I don't want to just start charging more for the same content, I'm planning on adding a discord tier that allows people to join and make requests for scenes each time I stream (scheduled weekly). In this scenario, even if you don't get your request made, I'll be streaming the following week so you would have something to look forward to. I'll be doing an open test run this following Wednesday. (I'll just stream on picarto since I don't have a discord set up yet.)

If your not particularly insterested in my personal life, feel free to ignore the rest. I really enjoy making things for people but the way I have it set up right now will not work if I want to make a living. I currently have two jobs (three if you include patreon) and that needs to change. My job at olive garden is driving me up the wall, and the animation contracts I'm doing for an indie company are incredibly unreliable and sometimes unfulfilling. I need to start working smarter and not harder but I haven't had much luck finding other animation jobs. So this leaves Patreon. What has always been a hobby I've enjoyed in my free time is now my best bet at an animation job. Asking for money has always been practically impossible for me, but if I can't get over this thought process then I may as well give up my career as an animator. So my solution is before I "give up" I need to give my Patreon a chance first. I would really appreciate your support in the following months.

Though rest assured, even if I do need to give up on patreon as a source of income, I'm never going to stop shoving girls inside each other. It's too much fun and I find it relaxing.




Welcome back

The Cultured Lord

Good to hear from you dude, was wondering what was going on! Also aye understandable, Olive Garden is an American pub or restaurant isn’t it? With the new system now it sounds interesting, would you still do regular commissions and the like? I’ve never been one for stream commissions or requests myself so I’m curious how that’ll work. Welcome back though!


Awesome stuff! Worth the wait. Very excited to see what you make next!

David cool

As I said a while ago I would pay more just like many have. I updated my pledge and hope you get closer to your dreams.


If I'm able to do this full time then commissions would be a natural progression of that.


I really appreciate it, fingers crossed that everything works out for me. I'll also need to get things set up so that you can get properly rewarded for your support.


I will probably increase my pledge end of this month just to support ya. Amazing work as always



David cool

end of the day your content is reward enough don't stress so much on it.