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Dear lord, this one was practically finished a couple weeks ago, but I just lost all creative drive to finish it off.

This is mostly due to a change in my schedule making it hard for me to find free time to work on my patreon, but my motivation has been in the dumps lately (suspending payment again btw) and I think I need to change my patreon a bit.

These weekly rewards have been doing nothing for me, and because of that, I'm spending way too much time on them trying to find something that clicks. Since I'm just not finding a good looking scene some days, I start to feel like I'm uploading half-baked content and there's very little I hate more than uploading half-baked content. 

In other words, I need a change of pace.

To try get out of this rut, I have started animating a couple random scenes for myself (very little worth showing), but I can tell that I really just want to animate something. So this is what I'm going to do, I'm going to animate something instead of the usual weekly reward images for one rotation, but I'm not going to do what I did before and make a whole scene out of it, these are going to be very short looping animations (since those are the easiest). 

Once I'm done, I'll do a pole to see what kind of weekly rewards people prefer.

I REALLY want to update my patreon (allow it grow and maybe even take some hours away from my job), but I'm not going to do that until I start posting consistently again.




Take a break. We enjoy youre work. And refresh yourself. :^)


Your work**

David cool

let me pay more!


I'd say to just go ahead and do whatever makes you feel the best when it comes to making content; be it animations, stills, or whatever. I know I don't speak for everyone, but I'd be more than willing to pay more for your content as I really enjoy it. Hell, you said those animations your are doing for yourself aren't worth showing, but I'd love to see them! Just assess your situation, and do what seems right, best, and/or most enjoyable


Glad you feel that way. I just want to figure out some way to balance everything so that I can become consistent before I commit to expanding my patreon. I would hate to ask for more money only to deliver less content.


One day, I just want to become consistent enough so that your money isn't wasted. Hopefully that day will be soon.