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I'm gonna try something different here in order to catch up without worrying about creative burnout. I'm going to turn the monthly rewards into weekly rewards.

Now, before you think, "well gee, you had a hard time keeping up while it was monthly, what makes you think weekly will be successful?" and to that I say good point but shut up. I've always been a lazy person who procrastinates in almost any possible way, and the thought, "I got half a month left to finish these, I'll be fine" has caused me a lot of problems. Playing catch up with short bursts of motivation also causes me problems. I bite off more than I can chew, which slows progress and kills motivation.

So, Instead of the big goal being at the end of the month, small goals might be the way to go in order to get a real schedule going here. I just finished one of my patrons rewards for July of 2019, lets see if I can keep this up and finish the next one by this time next week.

Fingers crossed!

Edit: Actually putting the rewards in the update is important.




Fingers crossed it helps you out! I can appreciate the endless drive to 'just leave it til tomorrow' and setting yourself sequences of deadlines might do the trick :D.