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  • Stripper av_1.mp4
  • gupler_1.mp4
  • Giantess lisa_1.mp4
  • Samus's stowaway_1.mp4



 Quick story. After my last update post, I had intended to post what I had accomplished so far the following monday, but there was a crazy storm that busted the power and I had no electricity for a week, but I'm a patient/lazy person, so I waited. Once it finally came back on, I had no internet. I expected it to come back on eventually just like the power, but it didn't. Being the patient/lazy person I am, I procrastinated calling any kind of customer support for the remainder of the time until now.

 However, I did not procrastinate on animating and I got a few nearly finished wips here for you all. Here is a quick description of each one.

 "Stripper av" is the same animation you saw last time, but I changed the outfits, added facial animations, and animated the newly added skirt the best I could. I'm still unsure what to do with her hands, especially now there's a skirt in the way, but I'm sure I'll figure something out.

 "gupler" is my attempt to make an animation in an hour and the misspelling in the title (gulper) shows how quickly I was trying to get it done. I was attempting creature vore which is not something I will do often at all. The internet needs more anal vore after all.

 "Giantess lisa" is the other animation that I was supposed to upload over a month ago, but since I knew it was going to be a bit until I could upload it, I added more to it. You can tell the moment in the animation where I was like "but wait, there's more!" I need to animate kasumi, animate the fingers more, fix some clipping issues with ayane, and add the internal shot.

 Lastly "Samus's stowaway" was an idea I had when I wanted a break from the other animations, but what was supposed to be a quick hour animation like gupler (but with same size anal vore) turned into something a bit longer.  I need to animate the fingers (I always do them last), and polish the animation to fix clipping issues (of which there is a lot)

And for my monthly rewards, expect them this week. I just want some feedback from those patrons before I finish their rewards for... march :\



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