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Metropolis Uncut



Time for a break from watching X Games 🎿 to see a reaction to this pioneering masterpiece, couple more sifi recommendations "Melancholia" 2011 and "The Creator" 2023, keep it real bro 😎


An embarrassment of riches this week. 🔥🔥🔥

Bryan Tuck

Glad you enjoyed this one! Now that you've seen the "proper" version, you might track down "Giorgio Moroder Presents METROPOLIS," which was a 1984 attempt at restoring the movie. A lot of footage was still missing at the time, so it's about an hour shorter than the one you watched, and different scenes are tinted in different shades of color. It also featured added sound effects and a music track full of early-80s rock artists (Pat Benatar, Freddie Mercury, and Bonnie Tyler to name a few). It's a weird, hypnotic window into a different time and different mentality when it came to "restoring" and re-presenting older films. But it also kept the movie "alive" in a way, and it was considered the best and most complete version for a number of years.


If you ever want to check out more of Fritz Lang's films I'd recommend the two part series "Die Nibelungen" -Siegfried and -Kriemhild's Revenge 1924 great for the fantasy genre


Link seem to work good on my end

Brett Coster

Great review, hopefully other silent classics will now spark your interest. There's another silent sci-fi by Lang, The Woman in the Moon (1929). Anything by Lang, Murnau, and Chaplin would be wonderful with a couple more such as Dr Caligari and maybe Napoleon.